Digital Process for Successful Partnerships

Introduction of a PartnerHub to strength networks using Salesforce

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time saved on each log-in

1. Company Bio: Düsseldorf Convention
Proximity meets freedom.

Düsseldorf Convention - a unit of Düsseldorf Marketing GmbH - offers free and independent support in the planning of meetings, conferences or trade fairs at both an international and national level. With a strong connection to Düsseldorf’s congress centre, customers benefit from internal networks, a high level of professional expertise and a 360 degree service. Access to over 100 local partners, including venues, hotels and service providers, facilitates the organisation of events of all sizes. Tailor-made services for catering, transfers, and more are available free of charge in order to simplify event planning.



Project Duration

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Salesforce Licences in Use:

1x Experience Cloud Licence

Intuitive and digital event registration through the partner portal

1x Sales Cloud Licence

Automated and streamlined processes

11x Pardot* Licence

Personalised event information mailings

2. Project Background:
Complex Information and Registration Process

We have been working together with Düsseldorf Convention on the digitalisation and automation of their business processes since August 2020. Up until Q1 2024, however, the area of partner management and events remained frustrated by a manual, time-consuming partner registration and follow-up process.

Material on upcoming events was sent to partners one by one as a PDF. If they were interested, they reached back out to obtain more details or to register. In reality, this meant about 3 emails being sent back and forth.

The most time-consuming part was the careful checking and processing of each application/registration – be it comparing availability or requesting missing information. Once completed, updates on the booking status were sent manually to the respective partner.

The need for a more efficient solution was obvious: digitalising this workflow would increase efficiency, improve communication with partners and speed up processing times. To this end, we developed a concept jointly with the client, brought all the relevant parties together and quickly set about implementing it.

Repetitive manual processes have always been a thorn in our side. However, we didn't just want to digitalise our business processes to make it easier for our partners to obtain information.

We also wanted to efficiently utilise the freed up time to target our main audience of event planners. And in doing so, we kill two birds with one stone, as our partners also benefit from a more targeted marketing approach towards event planners."

Max Wallasch

Digital Marketing Manager Convention | Düsseldorf Convention

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3. Requirements Goals

The project requirements can be summarised as follows:

  • Implementation of a digitalised event registration to replace the existing manual and time-consuming process.

  • Integration of events into the Experience Cloud, enabling a simple registration for partners and a transparent view of availability. Partners should be able to see immediately whether free places are available or whether they can be placed on a waiting list.

  • Interconnection of the Salesforce CRM and the Salesforce Experience Cloud to trigger an internal process, ensuring that each registration can be processed efficiently by the responsible employee.
  • Creation of a self-service portal in the Experience Cloud to act as a communication channel exclusively for partners, so that they can learn about new events and receive updates on current developments.

  • Separation of partner targeted-communication from the marketing channels of the website, Linkedin and newsletter, to allow a clearer focus on the main target group of event planners.

Themain objective was to create a digital platform that not only simplifies the registration process for events, but also significantly improves the communication of information with partners. Leveraging digitalisation, a seamless and transparent experience was to be created for all parties, paving the way for a future-oriented and scalable events organisation.

4. The Solution: The interconnected Experience Portal

To optimise the interaction and collaboration between Düsseldorf Convention and its partners, we implemented an Experience Cloud Partner Community. This Salesforce platform is specifically designed to create an exclusive and secure environment for verified partners. Through a login-protected area, we ensure that access to sensitive information and resources is adequately protected.

Within this community, partners can view the latest news, read self-help articles and see details of upcoming events. Partners can also gain insights into past flagship events. This construct facilitates both communication and the sharing of knowledge on both sides.

It is through the use of two custom objects in Salesforce that events and registrations are managed and processed efficiently.

Exclusive Community Access

Partners are provided with a safe space for easy exchange. By pooling this information in one space, it makes it much easier for partners to inform themselves about the latest news, and to access self-help articles and event impressions. For the marketing team, this allows the other marketing channels to be free to focus on the main target group of event planners.

Digital Registration Process

The Experience Cloud enables an intuitive digital event registration using a screen flow component. The desired event, price package and participating employees can be easily selected, which increases the willingness of partners to participate.

Transparent Status Overview

Partners receive clear insights into the status of their registrations in the user profile. This transparency enables them to manage their participation effectively and promotes a positive user experience through clarity and control.

Partially Automated Processing

Upon logging in, employees automatically receive reminders in Salesforce CRM. This increase in efficiency supports faster feedback to partners and improves overall processing.

5. Added Value: Partner loyalty Scalability

Simplicity is a competitive advantage. With the establishment of the Experience Cloud, Düsseldorf Convention is a driver of innovation and thus the first convention bureau in Germany to not only digitalise its business processes but also significantly simplify interaction with its partners.

Increased efficiency; 98% time saved on each log-in

Partner loyalty; simple, intuitive processes targeted communication channels

Increased employee satisfaction; less manual efforts thanks to optimised and digitalised processes

Scalability; creation of a solid foundation for healthy growth

Our client's response

Max Wallasch

Digital Marketing Manager Convention


aquilliance GmbH provided us with excellent support and a great deal of business expertise to help us effectively realise our goals. We are very satisfied with the outcome of our project and can only further recommend their support in the implementation of digitalisation processes.”

* Pardot was renamed “Marketing Cloud Account Engagement” by Salesforce. We are still getting used to the new name and will use it as soon as the new name has been accepted by the market and users.

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I am happy to draw on my knowledge from over 20 years of CRM experience to discuss the next steps together without committment. I look forward to getting to know you.

Reza Ghalamkarizadeh

Founder Managing Director

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